Block Exam #2.

The last block exam was almost completely unmanageable. The material covered the Upper Extremity - your arms, your forearms, and your hands. Sounds pretty straightforward, right? But unfortunately, historical anatomists thought that it was unnecessary for the same vein, artery, or nerve (the VANs) to be named in an organized manner like the ligaments. Instead they came up with spatially-convoluted ways to name their orientation in the arm, forearm, and hand and changed their names every time one of the VANs passed through a different fascia or compartment. This makes the Upper Extremity very messy to learn. Fortunately, there was only one plexus involved - the Brachial Plexus (see image). Soon there will be a smattering of plexuses to learn, but that's, I believe, later near the groin, for the Lower Extremity.

So, glad that's over. Things will begin to pick up by Thursday in Anatomy lab when we begin dissecting the Thorax.

On a fun-note, Robert visited me this weekend, sparing me the trip across Snoqualmie Pass, and we attended the screening of Bible Quiz, produced, written and edited by my very good high school friend Nicole. She has been working tirelessly to edit and promote her film and I was looking forward to see the product of her efforts. If you're interested in learning more about it you can go to:
She did a tactful and artful job of documenting the Christian church while not passing judgement or swaying the audience's opinion of the church. It is always very cool to see someone in their zone, watching them be who it is that their talent has led them to become makes me very happy for them.

This week, our kitten Riker will be taken to the Cat-Doctor and will have an important appendage surgically removed. We are hoping for a swift and painless recovery.


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