Say Hello to Wesley, World. 

Greetings friends and readers alike. Boyfriend and I have recently acquired another warm-blooded animal to suck money from our bank accounts. We call him Wesley, and contrary to our first meeting, he is indeed a neutered boy that is overweight. Wesley does not realize he is so overweight, but it becomes very apparent to everyone else when he is seen struggling to climb onto counters. He purrs a lot and we like that, which is basically why we've kept him around. Also, he likes to drink water from cups, not bowls. Pretty soon we'll be sharing the same toilet.

In other adventures, I have made a friend this year. I know, it seemed that in my old age it would be rather impossible, but sometimes the impossible is made possible and sometimes the impossible remains impossible. I realized this year that good friends, like men, are hard to find. In my quest for wisdom and personal growth, I have relinquished friendships that I once believed could survive hell and hailstorms. It was a tough decision, but sometimes trains derail from their tracks and people get hurt, and they ultimately survive.

Anywho, my new friend is in the cupcake-making industry. This is awesome on many levels. One, she is constantly inventing new and awesome cupcake/frosting combinations that expand the palate. Two, she always has cupcakes on hand for when I visit. Three, she's not stingy, at all, with anything. The cupcake shown above is her Nari-inspired Green Tea Cupcake. I could eat a million of these.

In more recent news, Robert and I made a trip out to NYC to visit some friends, his and hers. My good friends Nicole, Anna, and Zoe continue to reside in their respective burroughs (Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Gramercy, in respective order). Robert and I stayed with his law school friends in Midtown East. Good gravy, their apartment was neighbors with the United Nations NY Headquarters, one of the guys has a jacuzzi in his bedroom, next to his desk, and the have a beautiful view of the Chrysler Building from their living room. Manhattanites and their uber-wonderful lives, stuffed with so much work that little time is left to enjoy the jacuzzi.

On the night of our arrival, Robert and I had dinner with Zoe in Chinatown. The food was good, etc., but the crazy part was when we walked out onto the sidewalk and witnessed a livery cab drive straight into a traffic light on the sidewalk. Apparently the driver was asleep at the wheel?? Thankfully nobody was hurt, but that was easily the closest I had ever been to a serious car accident. Unless I have blocked a more traumatizing one out of my memory.

It was great seeing my NYC girls. I wish I could see them more often. Each of them has their unique styles and are forever moving onwards and upwards; couldn't be more proud.

And not to be forgotten was the trip to The Met where The Steins Collection was being exhibited. I miss the days of endless artistry and turquoise.


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