Block Exam 3 = BRUTAL.

Previous block exams have spoiled me into believing that I would have 6 solid days to study for block exams without interruption. Unfortunately, this block exam they threw in OPP Practical and additional testable lecture material on Monday in Physio and Biochem. Oh man. It was a really long week and easily the most challenging block exam yet. The material in Microbiology and Biochem shifted gears and became much more heady. I'm glad that one is over.

Classmates have told me that Block Exam 3 is where peoples true colors come out of the woodwork. I can see how this is true as there have been some falling out between people and we're all more or less realizing that failure is not an appealing option, but could be the only option available. Yikes.

I've spent a lot of time at Starbucks this past exam block drinking Vanilla Americanos. These are my fuel for the day to curb any unnecessary crazy person symptoms, although those sentiments revealed themselves this block.

At least I can be glad that it's November, Robert's Bday is coming up, Thanksgiving will be here in 3 weeks, and Fall Back starts tomorrow and it's Basketball Season. It's good to have something to look forward to.

Block 3 happenings:

  • DO Olympics! A group of 5 people competed against others in an obstacle course competition on the field outside of BHH (Butler-Haney Hall). Obstacles included spinning around a bat then running, throwing darts at a balloon, water balloon toss, running blind-folded, wheelbarrow race, and shooting hoops. My team came in 3rd place which had something to do with getting absolutely smothered in the Wheelbarrow race. My team:

  • Oh, and I talked good friends David and Kelsi into entering the Cadaver lab and hold a human heart and lung. It was awesome. 
  • Interim Dean Dr. Scandalis (I know, fun name) spoke to a small group of students during Primary Care Week and 2nd year students hosted a fun dinner for this speaking event. Lots of fun!

    Med School isn't so bad, it's just really very stressful. 


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