A Saturday in Toronto

Made it to Toronto yesterday for the JHR Chapter Summit. It has been more fun than I had expected. I was anticipating some pretty pretentious kids but instead have been spending time with some really fun ones instead. Today we literally sat in a room for 8 hours while the AC was going listening to lectures. The lectures were really interesting, but it was difficult for me to sit still inside while it was so inviting outside.

I would say the most interesting lecture given was on Uganda and how its' local/national media function

Last night the hostel hosted a party for JHR on their patio. Tonight we're going to a bar 5 minutes away for the JHR Speak Magazine Launch Party. Probably going to finish my left-overs there.

A bunch of us went shopping after the lectures. Yonge Street is comparable to NYC's Times Square. We did some light shopping at H&M and XXI Forever; some favorites. One of the girls here and I are quite like-minded so we had a good time shopping and eating.

I'm not entirely fond of the hostel for two reasons: dark showers (w/0 Teva's) and the toilet seat fell off when I was on it. I must'a wiggled it off.

Tim Horton's (TimmyHo's) is the coffee of Canada apparently.


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