...and this weekend I got to meet the president of the 8th continent
The mate visited me this weekend from DC and we did all the great tourist things I never have time during the week to do. On Saturday we went to Central Park and The Metropolitan Museum of Art (the Met), and saw a German Pride parade (everyone's favorite). Today we went to the Bronx Zoo to see the Madagascar endangered species animals. We were dully disappointed when we arrived at the exhibit and the Madagascar (Maddy) exhibit was closed temporarily but it was because the President of Maddy was arriving to the exhibit and taking photos with the animals. Since Robert lived in Maddy for a quarter and knew the language, he said hi to the president and security guards as they left and they were really pleased to hear some random white kid in a UW t-shirt say hi in a malagasy language; so they stopped and chatted briefly with him. Pretty cool.