JHR Meeting #1


Present: Rebecca Alvy, Todd Brice, Nari Corley-Wheeler, Janice Goh


Meeting Date, Time, Location: The group decided that it would meet on Saturdays
(beginning December 2nd) at 11:30 at the Solstice Café on the Ave.

Recruiting: Facebook – use for communication/networking. The site will be

Thursday. Newsfeed? This can be used as a message board.
Announcements – Nari will announce JHR at AI; possible collaboration and

Booths- Will shoot for Winter Quarter, when we can take advantage of resources.

Email Lists- Journalism/Comm.; Anthropology; LSJ; HRNet; African

Studies; DX Arts; Drama; Ethnic Student Groups (Nari will create list)

Discussion about using talking points to appeal to all possible groups, as
well as specifically to individual groups.

Fliers/Posters- It was decided that this would be utilized if list-serves
did not garner new members.

Stickers/Pens- Future opportunities for outreach.

Faculty Advisors:
Cabieri Robinson, Jackson School/Anthro(?)
Stephanie Camp, History
Jamie Mayerfield, LSJ, Jackson (?)
Daniel Hart, Native Studies
Prof. Kenney
Richard Karpen, DXR/Carta
Angelina Godoy
*Will choose Thursday, as well as their role

Group Structure: Janice suggested delegates/positions for the club. Todd thinks
there should be consensus, as does Nari. Nari suggests that executive positions
should be saved for upper-division students. When it comes to events, fundraising,
etc., Janice thinks it would be wise to have positions. Rebecca agrees that
positions are important for decision-making, duty relegating. Todd adds that
time will tell who is going to fit where.

Meetings- Minutes will be taken and shared online. Nari would like to add
discussion as a dynamic. Todd would like to set aside time for self-monitoring
to allow the group to grow organically. Themed meetings?

List-Serve- Catalyst will be set up tonight.

Alliances: List will be created on Thursday.

Projects: They will be come up with project ideas and collaborate at the next

The Student Constitution was read for amendments.
- No changes were recommended until 15 active members are signed up. The group
will discuss assigning roles on Thursday.


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