JHR Minutes #16

May 10, 2007 – Quad Lawn (Nice day!)

Present: Nari Corley-Wheeler, Rachel Proefke, Diana Archambault, Trevor Payne, Lily Le, Jacob Galfano

Announcements: Please check out the announcements at the end of this report!


Event: Last Thursday’s event with Emilio Tojin Lopez was a huge success. Over 80 people were in attendance, and organizers raised over $300 for his organization (AJR) that night alone. Lopez called the evening one of the highlights of his trip.

Thanks to all those who helped organize the event – in particular, Phil Neff, Veryl Pow, et. al. at Amnesty International UW; Chris Benoit at UW Law’s Center for Human Rights & Justice; and Emily Arfin of UUCAN. JHR is very appreciative of your dedication. Thank you to JHR members for volunteering to help facilitate the talk and promote the club’s awareness.

Anthony’s great article covering the event made it online, and is available here.

Mike McCormick of SCAN-TV and KEXP recorded the event; a DVD version (solo en Espanol) is available upon request.

Note: The event sponsored by CHId and the Clowes Center that would feature Guatemalan activist Marco Antonio Garavito on May 16th was postponed until next fall.

Newsletter: Issue 2, The Liaison (theme: Immigration) will be published sometime in the second week of May. The group assigned editing for each article, instructions are below:

Please email your rough draft to both of your assigned editors by the end of the day, Monday, May 14. Also, please bring revised articles to our next meeting (Thursday, May 17, details TBA).

- Rachel (emails article to) Nari (corlen@u.washington.edu) (and) Jacob


- Nari: Jacob (jacob77@u.washington.edu); Anthony (savagemoniker@yahoo.com)

- Jacob: Anthony (savagemoniker@yahoo.com); Yuhei (yuhei.miyauchi@gmail.com)

- Anthony: Yuhei (yuhei.miyauchi@gmail.com); Janice (jangpl@u.washington.edu)

- Yuhei: Janice (jangpl@u.washington.edu); Trevor (corlen@u.washington.edu)

- Janice: Trevor (corlen@u.washington.edu); Rachel (rachel12@u.washington.edu)

- Trevor: Rachel (rachel12@u.washington.edu); Nari (corlen@u.washington.edu)

Topics for articles:

Nari: Brain Drain in SE Asia/Africa

Janice: Human Trafficking & Aids or Customary Implications of


Rachel: Botswana (Spill-over Effects from Authoritarian


Anthony: Day Laborers in Seattle, CASA Latina Impact on


Lily: Photography/Design

Yuhei: Immigration in Japan

Jacob: Native American perspective

Trevor: Ballard-Norway connection


Nari/Anthony: Spotlight On (Interview)

Resource Guide: Jacob

Comic: Jacob

Human Rights Element: Rachel

Statistics: Trevor

Profiles: Diana, Lily, Yuhei

Call for Submissions: If you know anybody interested in writing for this edition (especially non-students!), please have them email us: j4hr@u.washington.edu

Archiving: Are you an organizer? JHR needs a volunteer who can put together a system that will organize meeting notes, email correspondence, project paraphernalia, etc. This will take place on Catalyst Online Tools until the club secures an office in the HUB where we can use a common computer.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be at 5:30 pm on Thursday, 5/17, in Savery 131.

Tentative Agenda for meeting #17:

- Postcards: Receipt

- Newsletter: Layout begins!

- Next Meeting Structure



Execution of Charles Smith, TX

May 16


Execution of Christopher Newton, OH

May 24


Hunger Strike @ Harvard


Safety for Native American Women



Health Disparities Conference:

Saturday, May 19

Contact: Students for Equal Health

Community Radio Conference in Vancouver BC:

June 11-16


Contact: Alison Benjamin

United States Social Forum

June 27 – July 1

Media Justice Node


Meetings & Workshops:

Jessie and John Danz and Walker Ames Lecture Series: "Of Punativeness and

Prejudice: Racial Attitudes and the Popular Demand for Harsh Crime


May 15, 2007


Social Justice Season Discussion on Mixed Race Ethnicity: New

Demographics & Communities

May 16

Kane Hall, room 120; 7 pm

Wine and Cheese Tasting, Live Music, Silent Auction: "Support the Tumani

Clinic in Kenya"

May 18, 2007

UW Foege Building, vista area overlooking Lake Union;

7:30-9:30 pm

(Suggested Donation: $75)

African Studies Faculty Presentation: "Property Rights in Africa During


May 24, 2007

Room TBA; 3:30-5 pm

Rabour Village Project Fundraiser: "Thai Food for a Kenyan Cause"

May 26th, 2007

Contact: info@rabourvillageproject.org

($20 Per Person)


Run for Your Rights

May 12


Inter-Cultural Night @ UW Bothell

May 12, 5:30 pm

North Creek Events Center

Myth of Global Democracy & The Pursuit of Happiness

May 13


Free International Humanitarian Law Class

May 15

Contact: paulina.lopez@seattleredcross.org

Land-ownership for the Poor

May 21


Ghandi, Nonviolent Communication, & Spiritual Practice

June 2


NISGUA 25th Anniversary Raffle

July 28


Contact: Melinda Van Slyke


Amnesty International UW Film Festival

7 pm, Miller 301 (UW Seattle)

May 16: Darfur Diaries

May 17: Blood Diamond

May 18: Total Denial

Wallingford Meaningful Movies

May 18

"Ayame" ("Goodness, Kindness, Generosity") (Eric Matthies & Tricia

Todd, 43 min) with David Peckham and Village Bicycle Project

Celebrating “Bike to Work Day!”

Langston Hughes Cultural Arts Festival

“Turn Off Channel Zero!”

May 19, 7 pm


Tulalip Film Festival

May 19


Local Audio:

Shift Break

May 9


One World Report

May 10


Jobs, Internships, & Scholarships

Summer Internship

Great Places Forum

Email resume, cover letter, writing sample to:


Human Rights Jobs Blog


TIDEPOOL News Service

Morning Editor


Northwest Next Leaders Council Scholarship for Juniors/Seniors

Deadline: May 31


Buzz Cuts: Grants for Social Entrepreneurship



Pongo Publishing Teen Writing Project



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