JHR Minutes #5

JHR Meeting #5 – Minutes

December 15, 2006 – Café Solstice

Present: Jacob Galfano, Nari Corley-Wheeler, Alice Drury

Slogan: Although the official JHR slogan is Empowering Voices, a slogan unique to the UW chapter was created, which can be included in branding: Promoting the Power to Care

Faculty Advisor: As per Rebecca, Stephanie Camp has agreed to be the club’s advisor! Professor Camp would like a list of duties and responsibilities as advisor before proceeding. This should be a priority at the next meeting.

Facebook: The Facebook website looks fantastic, and already has 23 members. Because of its reach, the site will include more JHR meeting-related activities (including minutes). As such, you should find these minutes at:


Catalyst: With the new JHR group page on Facebook, a Catalyst message board is no longer necessary. Keep updated on happenings, events, and other news by visiting the site.

Recruiting: With recruiting a high priority, a number of strategies were discussed.

Club alliances: Although collaboration with other student clubs is a vital step towards sustainability, Alice raised a valid point in being able to distinguish JHR from those other clubs. This idea is aligned with creating talking points to use in fliers, emails, and class announcements, as well as in meetings with representatives from those other clubs. A working list includes: Amnesty International (Phil Neff), Ruckus (Rod Palmquist), Huskies for Helping Homelessness (Janice Goh)…

Talking points: As discussed, talking points are useful ways to describe who this club is, what it wants to do, and why it wants to do it. These should be carefully crafted, and are also a high priority for the next meeting.

Email Lists: List serves are great ways to promote JHR and its activities. The club needs volunteers to research possible lists (including university departments, student clubs, outside-campus organizations, etc.).

Fliers: As soon as she gets the materials, Nari will create a flier to be used to promote the club (in classes, during tabling, at other clubs’ meetings, and at events). Look for this soon!

Official Email: Don’t forget to include JHR’s official email address in all recruiting work:


Social Gathering: Alice came up with the idea to promote awareness of JHR on campus by creating a social gathering and offering some kind of incentive for people to attend (food, liquid refreshments, etc.). This can be discussed at the next meeting.

Projects: The group has come up with a deep and promising list of projects. In the interest of feasibility (time and resources), the next meeting should be focused on deciding on one or two major projects to focus on for the remainder of the school year. A cursory list of the ideas:

- Newsletter: Nari pushed this idea to the forefront of the project list. The group decided to focus its first newsletter on local human rights issues. Nari volunteered to do some research for topics to bring to the next meeting. Please plan on discussing ideas if you attend. Alice and Nari also discussed making the newsletter more attractive by adding a “fun” component, like a comic strip. These newsletters can be disseminated through student newspapers like Ruckus or the Daily (or dare I say Right Turn?)-- depending on the club’s decision -- or off-campus papers like Real Change or Eat the State.

- Guatemala human rights speaker: The Guatemala Accompaniment Project is offering a speakers’ series with a human rights observer named Jillian returning from her service. GAP has asked Amnesty International to organize and promote the event, and JHR is in the process of teaming up to help out. More details at the next meeting.

- Interviews: DX Arts could help create video/audio interviews that JHR could offer via its Facebook site. These interviews might include human rights activists, journalists, or any other pertinent people in our community (and beyond).

- Homelessness: Janice’s other group is doing a great job focusing on this prevalent and oft-overlooked problem in our community. Doing something tangible would be a wonderful way to offer service to the university and beyond.

- Radio show: KBCS (at BCC – 91.3 fm) offers workshops to train volunteers to get onto the airwaves. A human-rights radio report is a definite possibility, and would be a great way to report human rights news to the community at large.

- End of Year Event: A larger public meeting could allow us to screen an interview, host a speaker, or any other idea you may have. This would be a great way to segue into the summer months so that the following school year has a strong corpse of JHR members from the start.

Other Recruiting: Please continue to make announcements in your classes and send that sign-up sheet around! The more people we reach, the more will turn out.

JHR DVD: Alice now has the fifteen-minute DVD sent to us by JHR, which includes information from other students about projects, recruiting, sustainability, etc. If you have not yet seen it, please ask for it at our next meeting.

Next Meeting: Will be held on Friday, January 5 at 11 am at Café Solstice (on the Ave.)

Tentative Agenda for meeting #6:

- Stephanie Camp: Duties/Responsibilities/etc

- Talking points for fliers, Facebook, announcements, and emails

- Volunteer for list-serve research

- Social event?

- Newsletter: Topics and other content/Distribution/Layout/Timing

- Guatemala speaker event: AI


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