JHR Minutes #28

Wednesday, January 30th 2008 @ Smith 109

Present: Nari Corley-Wheeler; Jacob Galfano; Sarah Hurlbert; Yuhei Miyauchi; Rachel Proefke; Ben Shock

Timeline: Given the plethora of upcoming projects and other opportunities, the group reevaluated its timeline for the remainder of the school year, and decided as follows:

Winter Quarter:

- Edition, publication, and distribution of winter issue of The Liaison

(Theme: Justice & Human Rights)

- Edition, publication, and distribution of Why Human Rights?

- Rights, Camera, Action! (Spring quarter?)

- Project with Pakistani Student Association

Spring Quarter:

- Edition, publication, and distribution of spring issue of The Liaison (Theme: Education, Youth, & Human Rights)

- Fundraiser with photo exhibit, silent auction, celebration

- Common Language Project collaborative event on campus (Media Day)

The Liaison: Although several members have submitted their article drafts, there is more room for articles in this quarter’s edition, which comprehensively explores the intersection of justice and human rights. If you are interested in submitting an article – or helping with other sections of the newsletter, layout, photography, printing, distribution, etc. – please contact us no later than Wednesday, February 6th: j4hr@u.washington.edu

Nari is continuing to look into whether or not the group will have to apply for Human Subjects Review for next quarter’s issue (Education, Youth, & Human Rights). A discussion produced several clarifying questions, including:

- Type of schools to work with: Public, private, etc.

- Number of schools to work with

- How to connect with teachers/Other recruitment strategies (WASL website/High school newspapers)

- How many students to work with

- What is JHR’s role? Facilitation? Direction?

- Logistics

Why Human Rights? Several members have also submitted their responses to the pamphlet, Why Human Rights? The pamphlet will be distributed along with The Liaison. If you’re interested in submitting your perspective, please do so no later than Wednesday, February 6th: j4hr@u.washington.edu

The group is planning to meet to edit all article drafts and begin layout. Please join us on Friday, February 8th, 5:30 pm at Odegaard library.

Chapter News:

- Anthony and JHR have been awarded one of ten spots in the Rights, Camera, Action! contest! He will travel to Washington DC as our representative and continue to spearhead the project (along with the group’s support). Details will be provided as soon as they are available. Congratulations, Anthony!

- JHR is pursuing further steps for a potential event on campus with UW’s Pakistani Student Association and local independent journalist Ethan Casey. The groups have met twice, and are aiming for a collaborative event in February.

Meanwhile, Ethan’s film company, Over Breakfast Productions, is co-presenting an upcoming World Affairs Council event with former U.S. Ambassador (to Pakistan) Wendy Chamberlin. The event takes place on Wednesday, February 13th, and may supplant the regularly scheduled JHR meeting. Details to come.

- The group changed its course and will apply for the Mary Gates Leadership Grant in the Spring.

Student Press Freedom Bill: A Washington State bill to strengthen student press standards was dropped in the state legislature this week. JHR will discuss this at its next meeting. From the Reclaim the Media website:

Student press freedom: Last year the state House passed a bill guaranteeing editorial independence for student publications. However, the Senate version of the bill, SB 6449, is not yet scheduled for a hearing. The measure awaits action in the Judiciary committee, where the main obstacle appears to be the opposition of committee Vice Chair Rodney Tom. A broad coalition of journalists, educators and free speech advocates are supporting the bill. Update (31 Jan): The Senate Judiciary Committee does not plan to hold a hearing on this bill; it is effectively dead.

Website: Yuhei has continued to develop the JHR UW’s website. The next steps are to add meeting minutes and newsletter articles, create a blog or message board, and add a links page. If you’d like to help with this process, please contact us: j4hr@u.washington.edu

UW Bothell: JHR is in the process of recruiting leadership to spearhead a UW Bothell chapter. It has submitted an advertisement in an all-student email, and plans on tabling in the campus’s commons area. Nari and/or Jacob will attend its monthly club president’s meeting on Tuesday, February 5th.

Tabling: JHR will table in early February to continue reaching out to new and potential members, as well as to inform the campus community about what JHR is working on. If you’re interested in volunteering, please let us know: j4hr@u.washington.edu

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 5th, 6 pm, at Smith 109.

Tentative Agenda for Meeting #29:

- The Liaison: Editing, Layout/ HSR for Spring? (Nari)

- Pamphlet: Editing, Layout

- Fundraiser: Date/Align with photo exhibit (April)/Anthony & Rights, Camera,


- Pakistani collaboration (Friday meeting results)/2/13 (Wednesday) event

- Cambodia Prime Minister (Janice)

- Website development (Yuhei)

o Connection to UWB website

- Tabling dates

- Recruiting (Rachel)

- Press freedom bill: Action?

Notable Announcements:

- On Friday, January 25th, the Seattle/King County Coalition on Homelessness held its annual One-Night Count of people sleeping on the streets of Seattle. It found 2,631 men, women, and children – up 15% from last year. Visit their website for more information.

- Check out B-Girl’s and Julie C’s February edition of the NW’s Hip-hop news.

- A Non-profit and Public Service Opportunity Fair at Mary Gates Hall will be held on Tuesday, February 5th at 3 pm. Visit their website for a complete list of participating organizations.

- Corporate Responsibility: Companies & Careers That Make A Difference will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm at the Balmer Hall Undergraduate Commons in the Foster School of Business.

- On Thursday, February 7th, the SPIN Project will conduct another Op-Ed-writing workshop. Apply as soon as possible, either by emailing isobel@spinproject.org or visiting their website.

- Eastside Conversations on Race and Culture: Environmental Justice will take place Thursday, February 7th, 6 pm, at North Bellevue Community Center.

- National NOW board member and author Susan Wicklund of This Common Secret: My Journey as An Abortion Doctor speaks at Third Place Books in Ravenna on Monday, February 11th, at 7 pm.

- The Bonderman Travel Scholarship is accepting applications, due on February 15th. Visit their website for more details.

- The Annual Seattle Youth Poetry Slam Series continues on Saturday, February 16 at 7 pm, at the Richard Hugo House (1634 11th Ave).

- FreePress is leading a campaign to protest Comcast’s recent activities and to protect net neutrality. View their website for more information.

- The U.S. Campaign for Burma National Planning Meeting in Washington D.C. will be held March 7th – 8th. Register here.


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