JHR Minutes #27
Present: Erica Bergmann; Catherine Bugayong; Nari Corley-Wheeler; Jacob Galfano; Janice Goh; Rachel Proefke; Anthony Shelley; Ben Shock
The Liaison: With the rough draft deadline fast approaching (January 23rd), the group discussed their ideas for articles* and shared feedback:
*Theme: Justice & Human Rights; Max: 500 words
- Ben: US & the
- Erica: A survey of presidential candidates and their views on criminal justice
- Jacob: Local initiative privatizing prison labor
- Janice:
- Nari: Health care & access to pharmaceuticals
With a few other members expressing interest in submitting an article, this issue of The Liaison should have no trouble providing diverse and substantive content. However, we still needs help with other sections of the newsletter, layout, photography, printing, distribution, etc. If you’re interested in participating, please contact us at: j4hr@u.washington.edu
Note: Jacob is inquiring about circumventing the Human Subjects Review process for our plans to create a newsletter featuring youth participation. This information will be shared once available.
Why Human Rights? Erica volunteered to share her rough draft for her contribution to JHR’s promotion pamphlet Why Human Rights? This inadvertently led to an excellent discussion about human rights theory and application, and the model (volunteering to share rough drafts and gleaning feedback from ensuing discussion) will be used at the next meeting for those interested. Rough drafts for this project are also due on January 23rd (Max: 100 words).
From our colleagues at JHR York: “If you’re heated about human rights and passionate about journalism, we at JHR @ York would like to invite you to submit journalistic or nonfiction pieces for our premiere issue of RIOT – a magazine dedicated exclusively to human rights issues worldwide. Email: jhr@excal.on.ca
Chapter News:
- Anthony has taken on creating a proposal for Rights, Camera, Action!; if our group happens to be selected, he will travel to
- JHR is pursuing further steps for a potential event on campus with UW’s Pakistani Student Association and local independent journalist Ethan Casey. A meeting is set for Monday, January 21st, and results will be shared at our next general meeting.
- The group will collaborate on Tuesday, January 22nd at Odegaard Writing Center to write and submit two funding proposals – the Mary Gates Leadership Grant and the UW Bothell Student Activities Fund (each due on 1/25).
- Janice met one of the Prime Ministerial candidates of
- Ben is continuing securing JHR business cards; this will be an immense help in our efforts to promote the group and become more visible on campus.
- Pamphlet: Brainstorm for rough drafts, next steps
- Fundraiser: Date? Align w/ exhibit
- Pakistani collaboration (Meeting results)
- Q Center/UWB Gay-Straight
- Website development
o Connection to UWB
- Tabling dates
- Bothell: Presidents Mtg. (2/5)/Right to Sight Campaign
- Dr. Muhammad Yunus – Nobel Prize winner – will speak at Kane Hall on January 18th. Unfortunately, this event at Kane Hall is sold out.
- The Philosophy of Non-Violence, a workshop about freedom from oppression, will be held on January 19th.
- NISGUA, the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, is looking for a Human Rights Campaigner. Applications will stop being accepted on January 21st. Visit their website if interested.
- The Reverend Martin Luther King, JR. Memorial day of Service will be held on January 21st, and will meet at the HUB at
- This year’s One-Night Count – an annual check on the number of homeless living on the streets – takes place on January 25th. This important project is organized by the Seattle King County Coalition for the Homeless. Although all
- Women, Action, & the Media! 2008, A Conference for Journalists, Activists & Everyone, will be held at the end of this March; the deadline for applications is January 31st.
- The Iranian American Community Alliance is sponsoring an event to discuss media coverage of US/Iran relations. The event, featuring professors David Domke and Arzoo Osanloo, will take place on January 31st at Kane Hall at
- Global Youth Connect is sending human rights delegates to
- The Bonderman Travel Scholarship is accepting applications, due on February 15th. Visit their website for more details.