JHR Minutes #4

JHR Meeting #4 – Minutes

December 2, 2006 – Café Solstice

Present: Jacob Galfano, Nari Corley-Wheeler

Due to timing with finals rapidly approaching, attendance was low. Because of this, Nari and I decided to try for one more meeting before the holidays. This will also be held at Café Solstice on Friday, 12/15 at 11 a.m.

Slogan: The group decided (very creatively) to come up with a UW-unique slogan. The official JHR slogan is Empowering Voices, and the new UW slogan will be revealed at the next meeting – make sure to be there to find out!

Faculty Advisor: The group has decided to select and approach Professor Stephanie Camp (Department of History). If Professor Camp accepts, it might be beneficial to have her established as the group’s advisor by the beginning of the winter quarter. More details can be discussed at the next meeting.

Facebook: It was suggested that the group’s Facebook site continue to be developed. This is a great tool for promotion of the group, networking, and outreach, as well as distribution of content.

Email Lists: With scarce time and resources, this has not yet been addressed. More details can be discussed at the next meeting, if desired.

Talking points: At meeting #2, the group decided it would be wise to use talking points to describe what JHR will do as a student chapter, and why students should consider participating. This can also be helpful for flyering/tabling during recruiting runs.

Fliers: Nari volunteered to create some fliers (with the new slogan!) for recruiting and possibly the outreach for a sponsored event (see below). If anybody is interested in tabling/flyering before the end of finals, please speak up so that we can coordinate the date and time.

Club alliances: The success of projects and the sustainability of the club rely in part on creating working alliances with other student clubs. A difficult task to carry out, it is vital and rewarding. So far, the group has come up with a few potential alliances: Amnesty International; Ruckus; Huskies for Helping Homelessness (is that right, Janice?)… This search might be a fruitful task for the beginning of next quarter.

Erin Soran: Todd – Erin called me last week to discuss collaboration for an event (which already occurred). However, it might be wise to pursue a relationship with her group. Do you have more information? She said that you had informed her of JHR.

Official Email: We now have student club email address!


Catalyst: I am still intent on creating a message board on Catalyst for inter-club communication. This is especially important if the group decides to create an executive body. More details at the next meeting.

JHR DVD: Nari has a fifteen-minute DVD sent to us by JHR, which includes information from other students about projects, recruiting, sustainability, etc. Please watch it if it comes into your hands, and bring it to the meeting if you are the last person to see it (it is our only copy).

Projects: The group has come up with a deep and promising list of projects. In the interest of feasibility (time and resources), the next meeting should be focused on deciding on one or two major projects to focus on for the remainder of the school year. A cursory list of the ideas:

- Interviews: DX Arts could help create video/audio interviews that JHR could offer via its Facebook site. These interviews might include human rights activists, journalists, or any other pertinent people in our community (and beyond).

- Homelessness: Janice’s other group is doing a great job focusing on this prevalent and oft-overlooked problem in our community. Doing something tangible would be a wonderful way to offer service to the university and beyond.

- Radio show: KBCS (at BCC – 91.3 fm) offers workshops to train volunteers to get onto the airwaves. A human-rights radio report is a definite possibility, and would be a great way to report human rights news to the community at large.

- Guatemala human rights speaker: The Guatemala Accompaniment Project is offering a speakers’ series with a human rights observer returning from her service. GAP is looking for a student organization to host the talk at the UW campus. This would happen in the second or third week of the quarter, so if the group decides to do this project, it should consider teaming up with other organizations to take advantage of their resources. More details at the next meeting.

- Newsletter: A monthly newsletter would offer human rights stories to the university community. This could be inserted into the Daily or Ruckus (depending on your decision), and could be themed (one month focuses on local issues… another on global… etc.) More details at the next meeting.

- End of Year Event: A larger public meeting could allow us to screen an interview, host a speaker, or any other idea you may have. This would be a great way to segue into the summer months so that the following school year has a strong corpse of JHR members from the start.

Other Recruiting: Please continue to make announcements in your classes and send that sign-up sheet around! The more people we reach, the more will turn out.

Tentative Agenda for meeting #5:

- Finalize and approach student advisor

- Develop Facebook/Catalyst sites

- Pursue alliances

- Reveal slogan

- Decide up on projects (GAP?)

- And for fun: Bring an article that you think is a good/bad/mediocre example of human rights reporting to share with the group!

Good luck with finals!


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