JHR Minutes #18

Saturday, July 14th

Announcements: Please check out the announcements at the end of this report!

*** Important: Register to vote in this year’s primaries by 7/21***

Present: Diana Archambault; Nari Corley-Wheeler; Jacob Galfano; Lily Le; Yuhei Miyauchi; Rachel Proefke; Anthony Shelley


Budget: Diana will be working on a proposal for the 2007/08 school year. Although groups typically receive about $500 from Associated Students, JHR will request $1000 for events and projects, including a spoken word event, a guest speaker, and The Liaison. The proposal will be itemized, and you will be informed of the amount given once approved. Before the school year begins, the group will hold an open meeting to discuss how these funds should be allocated. If you have any questions, please contact Diana: diarcha@u.washington.edu

Fundraising: The group suggested a couple of approaches to help raise petty cash, including a bake sale (tasty!), and a spoken word event in the university district or capital hill (Trabant? CHAC?). This is a great opportunity to team up with other student organizations (e.g. Hip-hop Congress) and create some beauty! If you are interested in helping make these events happen, please contact JHR: j4hr@u.washington.edu or Nari: corlen@u.washington.edu


The group discussed specializing and efficiency by creating positions. As the chapter grows, this will help our internal processes run smoothly as well as develop a sense of individual and collective accountability. Rather than list possible positions, the group decided to let the summer take its course and allow the positions to emerge organically. Then, so as not to put too much power in any one person’s hands, the group decided it will still make decisions by consensus in a group setting.


Newsletter: The group discussed and voted on three themes for upcoming issues of The Liaison. The first issue – slated to be published at the beginning of the fall quarter – will focus on the media. The second – later that quarter – will examine justice. The third – to be distributed in the winter – will explore the education system with an emphasis on the youth (meaning, they will help write the newsletter!). If you have any comments, criticisms, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us: j4hr@u.washington.edu

A couple of other ideas that came up related to the number of issues to be copied and distributed (the first two issues were 500 copies each), more interaction with the newsletter’s audience, strategic distribution sites, and creating an electronic/pdf version to go on the Facebook website and the JHR Student Chapters website. Please contact Yuhei if you have any questions.

JHR Blog/The Daily: The Daily Online is looking for a human rights blogger. This position pays a small stipend, and will provide an excellent opportunity to practice your human rights prose! Contact Anthony Shelley – summer online editor – if you are interested.

Speaking Series: JHR is looking to sponsor more speaking events in the upcoming year. Rachel will research these opportunities, starting with YES! magazine’s Speakers’ Bureau. If you have any suggestions or would like to participate, please contact Rachel.

Toronto: Jacob will attend the student chapter conference in Toronto in August. He plans on bringing copies of each of the first two issues of The Liaison, as well as audio for each of the speaking events sponsored by the group. He will present the experience upon return; if you have any ideas or suggestions, please contact him: jacob77@u.washington.edu

Archiving: Are you an organizer? JHR needs a volunteer who can put together a system that will organize meeting notes, email correspondence, project paraphernalia & step-by-step instructions, etc. This will take place on Catalyst Online Tools or JHR Student Chapters website until the club secures an office in the HUB where we can use a common computer.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be at 11 am on Saturday, July 28th at Rachel’s place. Hope to see you there!

Tentative Agenda for Next Meeting:

- E-version of The Liaison/Susan & RTM

- Recruiting

- Governance

- Media Issue

- Toronto

- Hope not Hate

- An umbrella!



Low-power FM


Local Community Radio Act



Internet Radio Equality http://tinyurl.com/2oyjpj

Wireless Freedom


Impunity in Guatemala



JHR Student Chapters August 24-6 Toronto

Hope not Hate September 7-9 Info to follow


Columbia City Kids Fair July 21 http://tinyurl.com/3csusl

Strengthening Local Economies July 21


Eastside Conversations on Race & Culture

Film: Race – The Power of an Illusion July 26

Contact: Callie Shanafelt

NISGUA 25th Anniversary Raffle July 28


Contact: Melinda Van Slyke

Washington Coalition for Open Government Awards

September 21


Global Trends in Clean Energy with Nancy Floyd September 26


Perspectives in International Economics with Paul Krugman November 1



Wallingford Meaningful Movies Hablamos del Poder (Talking of Power) July 20


Local Audio:

One World Report http://www.brizone.com/kbcs/

Shift Break http://tinyurl.com/3bpf8s

Local Blogs:

WIMN’s Voices
July 16 http://www.wimnonline.org/WIMNsVoicesBlog/

WashBlog: http://www.washblog.com

RadioActive Gavin http://radioactivegavin.wordpress.com

Jobs, Internships, & Scholarships:

Amnesty Student Area Coordinator Contact: Mona 415-291-9233 ext. 207


Close Guantanamo http://tinyurl.com/2fnml7


Hosting Family Opportunity: Serbia Youth Program—Ethnic Tolerance in a

Multi-ethnic Society

October 27 - November 12

Contact: Chrissy Hyde


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