JHR Minutes #6

JHR Meeting #6 – Minutes

January 5, 2006 – Café Solstice

Present: Jacob Galfano, Nari Corley-Wheeler

Faculty Advisor: Human rights professor Jamie Mayerfeld has proactively followed the club’s development, and is eager to collaborate. Due to a lack of communication with the previous candidate (Stephanie Camp), the club is considering changing advisors upon confirmation by Professor Mayerfeld. This decision will be further discussed at the next meeting.

Recruiting: The group discussed shifting its approach to recruiting; instead of attempting to grow the club from the start, a concerted effort to establish a core group of members and create concrete work would have the desired effect of promotion and, subsequently, effective recruiting.

Club alliances: By helping promote a speaking event (see below), JHR could establish a meaningful alliance with Amnesty International and other groups. This will be pursued before the expected date of the event at the end of January.

Fliers: A flier will be created to help promote the aforementioned speaking event and JHR’s upcoming meetings.


- Newsletter: The newsletter remains the high priority for project ideas, and the club decided to set an objective of four (4) newsletters before year’s end. Please bring topic ideas and/or rough drafts to the next meeting. Some ideas discussed:

- Homelessness/Real Change

- Gentrification

- A fun comic

The group will be meeting with The Daily to discuss possible publication
options, and Ruckus will also be explored.

- Guatemala human rights speaker: The Guatemala Accompaniment Project is offering a speakers’ series with a human rights observer named Jillian returning from her service. GAP has asked Amnesty International to organize and promote the event, and JHR is in the process of teaming up to help out. More details at the next meeting.

- Interviews: DX Arts could help create video/audio interviews that JHR could offer via its Facebook site or documentary. These interviews might include human rights activists, journalists, or any other pertinent people in our community (and beyond). A meeting with a local documentary filmmaker is set, and will be shared with the group.

- Radio show: KBCS (at BCC – 91.3 fm) offers workshops to train volunteers to get onto the airwaves. A human-rights radio report is a definite possibility, and would be a great way to report human rights news to the community at large.

- End of Year Event: A larger public meeting could allow us to screen an interview, host a speaker, or any other idea you may have. This would be a great way to segue into the summer months so that the following school year has a strong corpse of JHR members from the start.

- News Monitoring: A possible project could include some kind of rating/assessment of local news-reporting from a human rights perspective. Current (and older) projects will be explored for ideas and possible collaboration.

Other Recruiting: It’s a new quarter, and students are fresh and (hopefully) eager to volunteer. Please make announcements in your classes about the next meeting and send that sign-up sheet around!

Next Meeting: Will be held on Wednesday, January 17 at 11:30 am at Café Solstice (on the Ave.)

Tentative Agenda for meeting #7:

- Advisor: Jamie Mayerfeld?

- AI/Guatemala speaker promotion (Fliers?)

- Newsletter: Topics and other content/Distribution/Layout/Timing

- Report-back from Memphis: Regina Eddleman


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