JHR Minutes #14

April 12, 2007 – Savery 131

Present: Nari Corley-Wheeler, Rachel Proefke, Yuhei Miyauchi, Janice Goh, Jacob Galfano

Announcements: Please check out the announcements at the end of this report!

Funds: Nari and Diana are writing a proposal for funds; this will include the following needs:

Paper (for newsletter); equipment & supplies; transportation reimbursement; event costs (including honorarium for guest speaker/s); and a banner with the JHR logo (unless this can be created at the resource center).

The group will set up a meeting with SAO to discuss estimation of pricing, and will proceed with the proposal this week.


Event: On Thursday evening, May 3 Emilio Tojin Lopez will speak at the University of Washington about civil society’s role in the genocide case versus Rios Montt (and others accountable for human rights atrocities in Guatemala in the 1980s and through the present). He will also discuss the role of the United States throughout this entire process (intervention, aid, military support, presence, etc.). Details:

When: Thursday, May 3rd, 7 pm.

Where: Smith 120 (Nari, please confirm this reservation), UW Seattle; this room

is large enough for sponsoring and non-sponsoring organizations to table (does

anyone want to be in charge of this aspect?).

Sponsors: NISGUA; UUCAN; Amnesty International (UW, Seattle, UPS); Center for Human Rights @ UW Law; Latin American Studies; Journalists for Human Rights; MAPS (UW Bothell); Guatemala Project.

(Still recruiting university schools/departments?)

Translator: Still need to find someone for the Thursday evening event. UUCAN

will pay $20/hour, and prefers someone with professional experience.

Promotion: JHR will be tabling on campus during the next three weeks. Lily is (we hope) creating a flier to hand out, and Rachel is creating a poster for various spots on campus (that can be used as an overhead for class announcements). We will be sure to send an email to the HRNet list serve -- if you know of any other pertinent list serves or email lists, please do so as well. We're also working on a possible KBCS interview with Emilio.

Tabling schedule for week of April 16:

Wed, 4/18: 11-12:30 (Rachel)

12:30-2 (Janice)

Thur, 4/19: 11-12:30 (Nari)

12:30-3 (Jacob)

Coverage: JHR The Liaison (Interview with Emilio?), The Daily, KBCS Radio

If you are interested in participating, please contact the group: j4hr@u.washington.edu

Earlier Law School Event w/ Emilio:

May 3rd, 12:30pm

Rm 127 Law School

Contact: Chris Benoit

Newsletter: Issue 2, The Liaison (theme: Immigration)

Topics were discussed and bandied about:

Nari: Brain Drain in SE Asia/Africa (Peter Wilson?)

Janice: Human Trafficking & Aids or Customary Implications of


Rachel: Case Focus of Immigration in France (Socio-economic?)

or Botswana (Spill-over Effects from Authoritarian


Anthony: Day Laborers in Seattle, CASA Latina Impact on


Lily: Photography

Yuhei: Immigration in Japan

Jacob: Comic and Policy Article (STRIVE Act?)

Trevor: Immigration in Norway

The group also discussed ideas to improve the readability and aesthetic appeal of the newsletter. This will be further explored in upcoming meetings.

Call for Submissions: If you know anybody interested in writing for this edition (especially non-students!), please have them email us: j4hr@u.washington.edu

Distribution: Anthony writes for the Daily; as such, he will inquire about cooperation for distribution outlet space on campus. We will also evaluate the locations of last issue’s distribution for future use.

Online Version: As soon as JHR provides server space, the newsletter will be available online in electronic format. In the meantime, it is available in .pdf format; email us at j4hr@u.washington.edu if you’d like a copy.

Networking Project: Discussions are in the works to include The Liaison in a larger network of local and community-based media. This might entail content-sharing and sharing of resources, as well as cross-media training; further details will be provided at the next meeting.

Documentary Screening: An upcoming meeting will feature a documentary related to the theme of the current issue of The Liaison.

Ideas include: Sentenced Home, Discovering Dominga, The City, Well-Founded Fear

Archiving: Are you an organizer? JHR needs a volunteer who can put together a system that will organize meeting notes, email correspondence, project paraphernalia, etc. This will take place on Catalyst Online Tools until the club secures an office in the HUB where we can use a common computer.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be approximately 5:30 pm on Thursday, 4/19, in Savery 131. Join us for a lively roundtable discussion about immigration and human rights. Please be prepared to share a story or idea about this issue. A reminder email will be sent out in advance.

Tentative Agenda for meeting #15:

- Event: Current details

- Newsletter: Rough Drafts by 4/26; Ideas for improvement

- Roundtable Discussion

- Next Meeting Structure



Petition to Stop Executions

April 24, 26



Petition to create more diversity on airwaves:


Donate a mammogram:



Northwest Progressive Conference:

April 19-21


Contact: Nicki

NW Community Media Conference

Saturday, April 28th, Pheonix Inn Suites, Olympia

Contact: Deb Vinsel

Health Disparities Conference:

Saturday, May 19

Contact: Students for Equal Health

Community Radio Conference in Vancouver BC:

June 11-16


Contact: Alison Benjamin

Meetings & Workshops:

Seattle International Film Festival Volunteer Meeting

April 14

Contact: volunteers@seattlefilm.org

Lecture on Diversity in Pop Culture

April 24


Strategic Giving for People of Color:

April 27-8

Pritchard Beach Bathhouse, 8400 55th Ave S


Contact: info@socialjusticefund.org

Globalization 101:


Contact: Josiah Rector


Future Island School in Ghana Comedy Benefit:

Friday, April 13th, 8 pm

Ethnic Cultural Center Theatre

Contact: Robin Thornton

Step it Up 2007 (Nat’l Day of Climate Action)

April 14


3rd Annual Black Art Expo

April 14

Contact: Contact: KaSheen Farr

Angela Davis on Civil Rights

April 17

Contact: lectures@u.washington.edu

Sexual Violence & Military Indoctrination

April 19

Contact: rwseattle@mindspring.com

Guatemala: National Day of Action

April 20


Invisible Children Displace Me Campaign

April 28


Global Day for Darfur:

April 29


Contact: Katie Paul

Women Empowered: Inspiring Change in an Emerging World

April 30


Contact: cyn@u.washington.edu

Bead for Life, Beadwear Party hosted by The T(ea) Gallery

May 5

BeadforLife was created to help Ugandan women to establish an income from

selling their beautiful jewelry, handmade from recycled paper. All

profits go to a development fund creating employment opportunities,

education for children and youth, women’s issues, and health care.


Run for Your Rights

May 12


AI UW Film Fest & Kegger

May 16-18

Contact: Veryl Pow

NISGUA 25th Anniversary Raffle

July 28


Contact: Melinda Van Slyke


Wallingford Meaningful Movies: Scared Sacred

April 13


Before the Music Dies

April 14


Images of Youth Film Festival

April 20


Film Faith & Justice:


Contact: Emily Flemming

Local Audio:

Shift Break

April 11


One World Report

April 5


Local Blogs:

WIMN’s Voices:

April 8



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